In this tutorial you will learn how to create pseudo-vector wallpapers for your desktop. This tutorial will be very useful for beginners and it will be divided in two parts. In this Part 2 (of two) we will create the kitten and everything else that is still missing.photoshop updates

Right click on shape and select Make Selection. After that press Delete to clear selection. Apply Select > Deselect to remove selection.

Duplicate layer and move new eyebrow above the other eye.

Final Image Preview
Step 1
Open PSD file that was created on Part 1 of this tutorial. Now we are going do add grass somewhere on our meadow. Select the Pen Tool and create shape similar to the picture which you can see below:Step 2
Create selection of this shape (Load Path as a Selection – Ctrl+click on shape thumbnail on Paths also works). Fill selected area with green (#89f00b) to transparent linear gradient on the new layer by using Gradient Tool.photoshop updatesStep 3
Remove selection with Select > Deselect and duplicate this layer a few times with Ctrl+J and spread everywhere on the meadow area.Step 4
And the kitten is the last thing we need to create. Create new layer, select the Elliptical Marque Tool to create selection similar to the selection on my picture below and fill it with color #ffc000 (Orange).Step 5
Create new layer and again with the Elliptical Marque Tool create kitten eye but now fill it with color #ffffff (White).Step 6
Apply Stroke layer style to current layer.Step 7
Create a new one round selection and fill it with black color.Step 8
Duplicate this layer with Ctrl+J, then move it a little bit left and turn to left by going to Edit > Transform > Rotate. We have created the eyes.Step 9
Now we need to add ears. Select the Pen Tool, then go to the layer with orange ellipse and create shape like on image below. Create selection of this shape (Load Path as a Selection – Ctrl+click on shape thumbnail on Paths also works). Create new layer and fill selection with color #ffc000.Step 10
Duplicate it with Ctrl+J, then apply Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal to flip copied layer and move it left.Step 11
Now let´s focus on creating kitten nose. Create a new layer. On this layer create ellipse selection by using Elliptical Marquee Tool and fill it with black color.Step 12
Create a new one ellipse selection on the same layer and fill it with white to transparent gradient. In this way we create small glare on kitten nose.Step 13
Remove selection with Ctrl+D. Then correct noise shape by using Pen Tool. Create the same shape you can see below.Right click on shape and select Make Selection. After that press Delete to clear selection. Apply Select > Deselect to remove selection.
Step 14
Use Pen Tool to create kitten mouth. Right click on shape and select Make Selection. Fill selection with color #000000 (black).Step 15
To finish off with the kitten face apply Brush Tool, hard round brush with small size to add a few dots with black color.Step 16
We keep working with the Pen Tool. Create a new layer to create auricle with black color like my image below. Start by creating shape, convert to selection by right clicking on shape and selecting Make Seletion. Finally fill it with black color (#000000).Step 17
Duplicate this layer, then flip horizontal (Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal) and move a little bit left to create second one auricle.Step 18
Create a new layer and use the Brush Tool (hard round brush, 10px) to make eyebrow holding Shift button make straight line with black color.Step 19
With eyebrow layer selected apply Edit > Transform > Warp to bend the line like on image below.Duplicate layer and move new eyebrow above the other eye.
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