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Friday, 5 August 2011

Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques IN PHOTOSHOP


Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques

In this Photoshop tutorial we’ll be walking through the process of creating underwater effect using the unusual techniques.

In the beginning create a new document sized 500×500 pixels and fill it with black color.
Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques 01
Then apply Filter > Noise > Add Noise with similar settings to these:
Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques 02
Now we have an effect like this:
Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques 03
Ok, after that apply one more Filter > Sketch > Chrome:
Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques 04
The result should be next:
Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques 05
Now, apply Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation with following parameters to the current layer:
Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques 06
After that your image should look like this:
Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques 07
Ok, move to the next step. After that you need to find some appropriate picture to put it on the canvas. Go to Google Images and find the picture of fish or another sea dweller. Also feel free to use mine picture. Open up the picture and use the Polygonal Lasso Tool to divide the picture from the white background as was shown on my screenshot below.
Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques 08
Press Ctrl+C to copy selected part of image, then go back to the main canvas and press Ctrl+V to paste copied fragment here. After that reduce the fragment a little bit with Edit > Free Transform.
Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques 09
Now, set foreground color as #bbe8ff and set background color as black. Then create a new one layer and apply Filter > Render > Clouds:
Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques 10
Change layer mode to Hard Light.
Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques 11
Merge all layers in one and apply Filter > Distort >Glass and use these values:
Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques 12
And the result should be next:
Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques 13
Ok, we are done with this tutorial! I like the underwater effect that we already have. Looking pretty nice, isn’t it?
Underwater Effect with Unusual Techniques 14

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