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3D Textured Text Photoshop Tutorial
Step 1
Open up Illustrator, and with the Type Tool type a letter or text, I typed the letter “C” I used the font Adobe Caslon Pro,you can use any font that you like, just make sure that it is a bit thick font to yield better results. I set the font size to 400 pt & scaled it horizontally & vertically to 150% through the Character Palette, though don't worry about the font size too much because we'll be pasting it as Smart Objects in Photoshop so we can adjust the size at any given time. The color I used for the letter is #8CC63F.Step 2
Now go to Effect>3D>Extrude & Bevel, make sure that Previewis on. Use the settings shown below, apart from specifying rotations for x, y & z axis, I chose Tall-Round from the Bevel drop down list. The settings will more or less depend on the font, so if you have used a different font play a bit, though I will advise to stay away from the fancier Bevel settings, mostly None setting works best. You can also make it more thick by increasing the Extrude Depth.Step 3
After you’re happy with your 3D effect, it will be time to move on over to Photoshop. Open a new document in Photoshop. Now, copy your 3D text/letter from Illustrator & paste it as Smart Object in Photoshop, press Enter key or checkmark to commit. You can now resize your text to whatever size you want, in fact, bigger the better, but for the purposes of this tutorial, I will stick to a small canvas.Step 4
Now, your image & layer palette should look like so:
If you’re using different images, play around a bit with blending modes, mostly Overlay, Soft Light, Hard light, Multiply will give the desired results.
Step 5
Repeat the procedure prescribed in Step 4, but with a different texture. I used one of the texture from this pack.Step 6
Now, its again time to do the same thing as mentioned in Step 4 & 5, but with the different texture image. This time I used a more colorful texture from a another texture pack over at deviantArt. And, this time I choose the blending mode to Soft Light.Power Tip: If you need to edit the filler texture image or if you don't like how it looks within the letter, you can still change it! Just choose the Move Tool (V) & drag over with your texture layer selected. Also, if you need to resize the texture image select Edit>Transform to resize it.
Step 7
Now, select the Background layer & fill with a Gradient Tool (G). I used Linear Gradient & the colors for the two stops are as prescribed in the screenshot. Drag the gradient tool diagonally from bottom to top.Step 8
Pressing down Shift key select all the layers in the Layer Palette except the background layer & Link all of them. Also make sure to link the Layer Mask thumbnails with their corresponding layer thumbnails by clicking once between them.Step 9
Now, we will do the reflection of our letter “C”. For that, select all the linked layers & duplicate them.Step10
Merge all the duplicated layers & name it Reflection.Step 11
On the Reflection layer, go to Edit>Transform>Flip Vertical & place it beneath the letter “C”. Adjust its perspective if the need be.Step 12
The next step is to add a layer mask to the duplicate layer. To do this simply click on the add layer mask button in the layers palette.Step 13
Finally, with the Type Tool, I wrote the words “for creativity” with the settings as shown in the Character Palette.Then I applied the layer style, as shown in the screenshots below.
Step 14
To add a bit of finishing touch, I added Outer Glow to the Vector Smart Object layer, as shown.SR:-photoshoptutorials
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