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Saturday 30 July 2011

PHOTOSHOP updates How to make your Twins | Multiply yourself

magine one day you announce to all your friends that you have a twin, by showing them a very realistic photo. There must be many fun then! I’ll show you how to do that in this photoshop tutorial.

Step 1: You must use a tripod (or anything else which can hold your camera stand still). Then, shoot the 1st photo with yourselft in it, in order to make it natural, I recommend that you should take photo with a friend. Next, shoot the sencond one. Okie, with the second photo, you can change your appearance a little bit (a small different will convince viewers’ perspective), changing your T-shirt, hair style, for example. Important: just chaging yourself and your position in the scene, keep the rest as it was in the 1st shoot.
The two photos should look like following:PHOTOSHOP updates
Step 2: Go to Photoshop and put these two photos together, each gets a layer.PHOTOSHOP updates
Step 3: in order to see the different between two photo, let’s choose the blend option of the first layer to “Overlay”.
So now you can indentify the different clearly.
Step 4: use the earaser the remove the different details of the first layer comparing to the second layer.
You need to put attention to edges and details
Conclusion: Yay, the last step is to flat the photo and you got a super realistic photo which can supprise your parents and friends. The key point to make the photo realy real is: you are the only one who changed, and the surrouding environment was kept exactly the same between the two shoots.
You can make three, four, or five of yourself, just follow that simple trick.
Good luck, dudes!
Some other similar photos, for your reference
Download PSD Here 


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